Rally Uniform - Rider
Club Rally Shirt - The Rally Shirt should be tucked into your riding pants.
Jodhpurs or Moleskin trousers - No large Logos or decorative embroidery/stitching. Socks are not permitted to be worn over jodhpurs.
Riding Boots - English style short or long in black or brown with smooth sole and square cut heel. Ridging on sole, no heel or sneakers are not permitted. Chaps matching the colour of the boot can be worn. Jodhpur clips may be used. Ensure the fit of the boot in the stirrup iron meets Gear Check rules.
Helmets and Rider Hair - Helmets must meet the required Standard - Gear Check rules and be properly fitted and fastened. Any helmet that received a moderate to serious impact must be replaced. It is recommended that helmets over 5 years since manufacture be replaced. Rider hair must be above shoulder, plaited and restrained (preferably in a hair net).
Jewellery / Earrings / Piercings /Rings / Necklaces / Bracelets - Studs no more than 5mm in diameter are permitted. Any studs, earrings, piercings larger than 5mm must be removed. Rings can be worn under gloves or taped. Necklaces and bracelets must be removed. Medic-alert bracelets can be taped.
Body Protector - if you wish to participate in XC jumping lessons you will need to have a Body Protector that fits correctly.